Category Archives: Lenten War Diaries

Lenten War Diary 2014: Part 0

Some of you who follow me on Twitter might have an idea what I am talking about. For those that don’t then here is my explanation: There are many in society who feel that Christianity, especially Christmas and to a lesser extent Easter, are “under attack” by the forces of Secularism and Atheism. You might hear about a lot of this from places like Fox News.

Yesterday, Sunday 2 March 2014, I went into a Dollar store in Londonderry Mall here in Edmonton to find this:

Easter Candle out BEFORE Lent
Easter Candle out BEFORE Lent

Shock of shock, horror of horrors: there is Easter Candy out before it is even lent. My wife informed me this story had it out in early February as far as she could recall.

Now, I like to think I am a reasonable man. However, I have held for a long time that the commercialization of Christianity, in particular the Feasts of Christmas and Easter, are far more a danger to our faith than things like a Town not being able to put up a Nativity Scene on public property. When Christmas decorations go up in shopping malls in October before the season of Advent and Easter candy is in the stores before Lent than we realize that our faith is under attack by the Almighty Dollar.

This year I have decided to keep a Diary, of sorts, during the Lenten season. No doubt that groups like Fox News will be sounding the airwaves about the “War on Easter”, however, it seems that groups like that are missing the War on Lent. And that, my friends, is truly more frightening for me.