
I am a Canadian-born Anglican Christian living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I am not a cradle Anglican, having converted in 2008. I am married with two children: a boy and girl. I work in the Telecommunications industry specializing in Network Security. I nominally attend St. Stephen the Martyr Church, Edmonton, which is a Parish in the Anglo-Catholic Tradition exclusively using the 1962 Book of Common Prayer.

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Mapel Anglican,
    Just wanted to say keep up the good work, i am a Anglican in Australia ( a convert also, around 2010) and have found your youtube videos very helpful over the years to get up to speed quickly.

    This is the first time i have discovered your website, was looking for some inspiration on writing a Idiots guide to who we are and what we believe to leave around the tables at church (especially for when young families come along to our playgroups) and stumbled upon your blog, i think i will need to add some links to your resources from my little study site also.

    thank-you for all your great work over the years, it has mad a difference to at least one person from Australia 🙂

  2. Need some insight. I am a United Methodist pastor in Virginia and concerned by recent developments in the denomination, such that I am feeling called to leave. I’ve been serving my current church for 8 years now but also believe I am called to preach, not necessarily in a United Methodist pulpit. What is the process within the Anglican church of seeking an appointment or credentialing?

    1. Hello Keith,

      Firstly, you will have to understand that if you are choosing to serve in any Anglican/Episcopalian denomination you will likely have to be re-ordained as your ordination within the United Methodist Church would not be recognized. However, assuming you already have a Master of Divinity (or equivalent) from an accredited school then you wouldn’t have to worry much.

      I am going to recommend you contact the Rector of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in Winston-Salem NC. The Rector, Father Steven Rice, who began his career in the UCM and presently serves in the Epsicopal Church for his experience and advice: http://www.sttimothysws.org/clergy-staff


  3. Thank you for your contributions in making the Daily Offices accessible online through Acer Liturgia! I have been using your site for quite a few years now, and am grateful for the access I have to the daily readings regardless of where I am. It has also been a great resource to recommend to others who are starting a daily prayer practice and not yet familiar with the BCP or BAS to find their way around.

    Today’s Contemporary Morning Prayer reading for some reason is pulling in an incorrect date, as you can see in this screenshot:

    The Traditional Morning Prayer reading was correct, however. Just wanted to bring this inconsistency to your attention!

    Thanks again!

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